

  • “My strength began to increase, and eventually I was well (and lucky) enough to move to the Ascot Rehab centre, which my brother, Phidos, had researched and found for me… Rehab was a godsend. Slowly, I began to untangle all the things that had happened to me, started to walk again. I can’t pretend it wasn’t hard.

    But I’m a positive person and threw myself into a full recovery regime: intensive physio and cognitive and psychotherapy sessions to help put me back together.”

  • “I have been helped and encouraged in a very professional way by the neuro physiotherapists. They have started my journey to walking more normally. Nurses helped the process and the cleaners and laundry were superb service. It has been very much appreciated.’

    ‘The best part of my plan was that the team adjusted my plan to goals and progress. The flexibility and judgement helped me make enormous progress.’

    ‘The garden was such an oasis of calm’

    ‘I cannot thank the therapists enough for the treatment skills and information to help me get to my best and manage until I recover’

    ‘…. (carer) was excellent very caring and insightful and understanding of all her patients’ needs and very forward thinking with a great sense of humour”

    A big thank you for me and my family

  • “I arrived at Ascot Rehab in London and received the best kind of therapy and physical rehabilitation as I was admitted to the centre in the years 2013 and 2014 respectively I was suffering from pain in the legs and stiffness in four limbs and difficulty of speech.

    The physical rehabilitation team in Ascot Rehab designed a rehabilitation therapy plan inclusive of all aspects of physio, occupational, hydro, psychological and speech and language for 3 months as an inpatient in 2013 and also for a similar period in 2014 where my health condition improved and pain in the bones eliminated gradually problems suffered were: Stiffness in 4 limbs, Constant urge for vomiting, Stress, Heaviness in tongue during speech at times. I also received in the centre a most up to date medical therapy and rehabilitation methods and techniques the matter which impacted considerably and effectively on my life eliminating my health conditions mentioned thanks to God and the specialized therapy teams in the centre in addition to the educational programmes and meaningful visits provided by the centre during my stay.

    Thanks to all working and admin teams in the centre and all staff in assistant nursing services for all what they have done for me and my family.”

    Patient: O.A.H (Kuwait)

  • “Dear Ladies and Gentlemen working at Ascot Rehab,

    I am writing to express my special thanks and deep appreciation to all staff at Ascot Rehab; all doctors, nurses, Therapists, Administrators, interpreters and all workers at Ascot, for providing me with mental support and empowerment as well as the physical therapy.

    My special thanks to you all now and always.

    “بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    شكر و تقدير خاص لكل العاملين في مركز آسكوت

    السادة و السيدات في مركز آسكوت :
    تحية طيبة و بعد
    أكتب لكم لأعّبر عن شكري الجزيل و امتناني لكل من يعمــــــــل في مركز آســكوت من الممرضـــين و المعالجين و الأطباء و الاداريين و المترجمات و كل العاملين و ذلك لتقديمهم يد العون و المســــاندة المعنوية و النفسية بالاضافة الى العلاج الجسمي .

    مع افر الشكر و التقدير في هذا الوقت و كل وقت

    Patient: I.B (Kuwait)- A five-star service

  • “We cannot thank you enough for your help, we are extremely grateful. You have really gone above and beyond in everything you have done for us. A five-star service.

    We wish Ascot Rehab all the best and hope for your future prosperity. We thank each and every one of you for all that you have done for us in the last three months, with a special thanks to Maha for the exceptional way she dealt with us.

    You will be missed and God willing we will stay in touch.”

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
    بارك الله فيكم ،
    كفيتو ووفيتو ، تقييمنا لكم خمس نجوم ،
    كلمة شكرا ليست كافيه بحقكم ، نتمنى لمركز اسكوت التاهيلي مزيد التقدم والازدهار ،
    نشكركم فردا فردا على ماقدمتموه لنا طيلة الثلاث اشهر الماضية ونشكر الاستاذه مها على تعاونها الراقي معنا ،

    افتقدناكم ، وان شاء الله تواصلنا بكم مستمر

    Patient: W.A (Kuwait) – A Note Of Thanks

  • “I suffer from quadrilateral paralysis resulted from a road traffic accident in 2003. I was admitted to Ascot Rehab in London in the year 2014 and stayed there for four months and received the appropriate therapy and physiological rehabilitation and found the best care and dedication by the centre’s staff.

    The centre’s physiological rehabilitation team tended for my medical condition and took special care to help me go back to normal life and be more self -independent in everyday tasks without the need of others help or intervention.

    At the beginning of my admission into the centre the physio rehab team set up an all inclusive rehabilitation therapy plan ranging from: physio therapy, hydro therapy, occupational therapy, psychological and speech and language for four months as an inpatient, where my condition improved, all praise to Allah, and I was able to control my right arm and feed myself and use it in my day to day life without relying on others, also my seating position improved considerably following the advice of physio rehab team to purchase a special wheelchair for my medical condition, and also in speech and language my condition improved and my letter sounds are coming more clearly and coherently.
    And I thank all staff members in Ascot Rehab especially two honourable sisters Maha and Reem and the honourable brother Haider for their tremendous efforts.”

    أعاني من شلل رباعي بسبب حادث سير في عام 2003

    حضرت إلى مركزAscot Rehab في لندن عام 2014 وأقمت عندهم مدة أربعة أشهر

    وتلقيت العلاج المناسب والتأهيل الطبيعي ووجدت أفضل رعاية وإهتمام من قبل طاقم المركز.

    وقد حرص فريق التأهيل الطبيعي لحالتي الصحية وأهتم بمساعدتي للعودة إلى الحياة الطبيعية والإعتماد

    على نفسي في تدبير أموري الحياتية دون تدخل او مساعدة من أحد.

    في بداية حضوري للمركز قام فريق التأهيل الطبيعي في وضع خطة علاجية وتأهيل شامل من علاج طبيعي

    وعلاج مائي وعلاج بالعمل وجلسات نفسية وجلسات نطق وكلام لمدة أربعة أشهر كمقيم داخل المركز،

    حيثُ تحسنت حالتي ولله الحمد والمنه، وقد استطعت التحكم في يدي اليمنى والقيام بإطعام نفسي واستخدامها

    في حياتي اليومية دون الاعتماد على الاخرين، وكذلك جلستي في المقعد تحسنت كثيراً خاصة بعد نصيحة

    فريق التأهيل الطبيعي بشراء كرسي متحرك خاص بوضعي الصحي، وأيضاً في النطق والكلام تحسنت حالتي

    وأصبحت مخارج حروفي تخرج بشكل واضح ومفهوم.

    وأشكر جميع أفراد مركزAscot Rehab وأخص بالشكر الأختان الكريمتان مها وريم

    والأخ الكريم حيدر لما قاموا به من جهود وأهتمام كبير ساهم في علاج حالتي النفسية والصحية

    Patient: M.A.A.M (Kuwait)

  • “All the therapist’s have been superb and mum’s improvement is remarkable since her stroke.”

    “Keep doing what you are doing as my recovery is coming along quickly, a big thank you to all.”

  • “Thank you for my rehab, I know I would not have progressed so quickly without you.”

    “I have been helped and encouraged very professionally by the physiotherapist and they helped me in my journey to walk to walking again.”

  • “Thank you for all your patience, hard work and care you gave me during my time at Ascot, you are all amazing.”

    “The art sessions are amazing, we feel we’re in a very friendly environment, it is a relaxing time that we can enjoy, our daughter looks forward to it every week, it is her opportunity to spend quality and fun time with her parents.”

Get in touchFor all enquiries, please phone +44 (20) 8149 4544,   +44 (203) 212 0839 or email info@ascotrehab.com

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